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Singapore Airshow 2014 Attracts High-level Speakers to Strategic Conferences and Forums
Singapore Airshow 2014 Attracts High-level Speakers to Strategic Conferences and Forums
28 JANUARY 2014
SINGAPORE, 28 January 2014 – The Singapore Airshow 2014 strategic conferences, business forums and co-located events, will bring together high-level speakers spanning the commercial aviation, defence and aerospace technology sectors. The strategic conferences are dedicated to leading players in the global aviation industry and comprise the Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit (SAALS) and the Asia Pacific Security Conference (APSEC), while the co-located events include the A*STAR Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum and the Singapore Aerospace Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC). The events will take place from 9 to 10 February.
Singapore Airshow Aviation Leadership Summit (SAALS)
As we mark the second century of commercial aviation, the fourth edition of SAALS, themed “Shaping the Next Century of Commercial Aviation”, will bring together government leaders, airline chiefs, aircraft manufacturers, airport operators, air navigation service providers and regulators to discuss the future of the industry. SAALS will be held on 9 and 10 February 2014 at Raffles City Convention Centre. Jointly organised by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Singapore Ministry of Transport (MOT) and Experia Events, organisers of the Singapore Airshow, the conference will feature key speakers, including:
- Mr Goh Chok Tong, Emeritus Senior Minister, Singapore
- Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport, Singapore
- Dr Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), who will be making his first visit to Singapore following his election
- Mr Tony Tyler, Director-General and Chief Executive Officer of the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- Mr Yap Ong Heng, Director-General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
The conference will also feature a panel of speakers including:
- Mr Siim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission
- Mr Stanley Hui, Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong International Airport
- Mr Michael Huerta, Administrator of the US Federal Aviation Administration
- Mr Giorgio Callegari, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Strategy and Alliances, Aeroflot
- Mr Michael Kamau, Cabinet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure, Kenya
- Dr Stefan Schulte, Chairman of the Executive Board, Fraport AG
- Dr Temel Kotil, President & Chief Executive Officer, Turkish Airlines
- Mr Paul Riemens, Chairman of Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO)
- Mr David Scowsill, Chief Executive Officer, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
- Mr Simon Hickey, Chief Executive Officer of Qantas International & Freight
- Mr Matthew Baldwin, Director of Aviation and International Transport Affairs; Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), European Commission
- Ms Annie Petsonk, International Counsel of Climate & Air at the Environmental Defense Fund
- Mr Carl Burleson, Assistant Administrator for Policy, International Affairs and Environment (Acting) of the US Federal Aviation Administration
Asia Pacific Security Conference (APSEC)
The seventh edition of APSEC, themed “Asian Security Dynamics and the Role of Airpower”, will bring together defence experts, military officials, academics, analysts and industry leaders on 10 February 2014 at Raffles City Convention Centre, to participate in discussions shaping peace and security worldwide. Jointly organised by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies and Experia Events, APSEC will feature prominent speakers such as:
- Mr Andrew Shapiro, Managing Director of Beacon Global Strategies LLC; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
- Dr Ruan Zongze, Vice President, China Institute of International Studies
- Mr Richard Aboulafia, Vice President of Analysis, Teal Group Corporation
- Mr Jeong Lee, Freelance military writer
- Dr Mark Lorell, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation
- Mr Richard A. Bitzinger, Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Military Transformations Programme, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore
Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Defence, will deliver the keynote address.
A*STAR Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) will be hosting the third A*STAR Aerospace Technology Leadership Forum on 10 February 2014 at the Marina Mandarin Hotel in Singapore. Themed “New Technologies which could change Aviation and Managing New Technologies Implementation”, the forum will gather speakers from the A*STAR Aerospace Consortium, whose members are amongst leading companies in aviation, to discuss technologies that will lead to the next leap in aviation as well as how to manage the potential risks. Distinguished Guest Speakers at the Forum are:
- Mr Detlef Selhausen, National Armament Director, Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany
- Ms Jenny Body, President, Royal Aeronautical Society (RAes), United Kingdom
The Forum will feature the following key speakers in the plenary sessions:
- Dr Ken Anderson, Chief of Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia
- ME6 Reuben Lim, Head Aerosystems Branch, Air Engineering and Logistics Department, Republic of Singapore Air Force
- Mr Michael K. Sinnett, Vice President, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
- Mr Mike Bausor, A350 XWB Marketing Director, Airbus
Singapore Aerospace Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC)
The Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers and the Logistics Department (AELD) of the Republic of Singapore Air Force will also be organising the SATEC on 10 February 2014 at the Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Currently in its sixth edition, the biennial conference will bring together aerospace and military speakers from around the world to meet and discuss the latest research findings and advancements in aerospace technology and engineering. Participants’ profiles include policy makers, designers, builders and maintainers of aircraft and space vehicles, from both the military and commercial sectors. Key speakers include:
- Mr Lim Yeow Khee, President of the Singapore Institute of Aerospace Engineers
- ME7 Francis Cheong, Head of Air Engineering and Logistics
- Mr Chan Yeng Kit, Permanent Secretary of Singapore’s Ministry of Defence
- Mr Detlef Selhausen, Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany
- Ms Jenny Body, President of the Royal Aeronautical Society
- Dr Ken Anderson, Chief of Air Vehicles Division, DSTO
- ME6 Lim Chi Keong, HAeB of Republic of Singapore Air Force
Business Forums
Presented by key aerospace buyers, government agencies and industry leaders, the Business Forums, held on 12 and 13 February at Changi Exhibition Centre, will provide trade visitors and exhibitors the opportunity to understand procurement trends and to tap on business opportunities in key aerospace growth markets, namely China, the United States and the rest of Asia.
The China Business Forum, which will be held on 12 February, will focus on the outlook of China’s aviation market in the year 2020. Chaired by Dr Ng Pock Too, Chairman and CEO of New Board Technology, the China Business Forum will also feature prominent speakers, including:
- Mr Yu Wen Yong, Assistant President of HNA Aviation Holding Company
- Mr Tian Min, CFO of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China and Director of China Accounting Association
- Mr Yang Guo Qing, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Key topics that will be discussed include: “A Big Picture of HNA”, “Customer Oriented WinWin Cooperation”, as well as “Outlook of China Aviation Market in Year 2020”.
The U.S. Business Forum, which will be held on 12 February, will highlight best practices and trends in aviation security and aerospace supply chain management. The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore will chair the Forum and speakers include:
- Mr Michael Huerta, Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration
- Mr Kenneth Hyatt, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Key topics that will be discussed include: “Aviation Security” and “Aerospace Supply Chain Management”.
The Asia Business Forum, which will be held on 13 February, will bring together various representatives from the MRO industry to discuss the outlook and opportunities in Asia’s MRO market. Chaired by Mr David Stewart, Vice President of ICF SH&E, the Asia Business Forum will feature prominent speakers, including:
- Mr Ravi S. Menon, Executive Director at Air Works India
- Mr Ahmad Fuzli Fuad, CEO of AIROD Aerospace Technology
- Mr Chow Kok Wah, SVP (Line Maintenance and Information Technology) of SIAEC
- Mr Richard Budihadianto, CEO of GMF AeroAsia
Key topics include: “Opportunities in MRO in India”, “Malaysia MRO: Outlook and Opportunities”, “Working with SIAEC” and “Engineering Training Requirements and Outlook for Indonesia”.
Mr Jimmy Lau, Managing Director of Experia Events, said: “One of the key factors that makes Singapore Airshow a successful and must-attend event is the quality of discussions and insights gained at our strategic conferences and business forums. We are honoured to welcome so many distinguished guests and speakers this year, including many airline chiefs, senior government officials and regulators. The strong turnout is a testament to the importance of the strategic conference programme to Singapore Airshow.”